Excuse my absence but I have been the victim of a crime. Senseless and sticky . The "perp", well the name was Jones. He left me alone and without a means to reach out for help. As I now struggle to scrub the chalk outline from my life, I finally am able to put my story to computer screen.
You see it was a day much like today, well it nearly was today, it was Sunday. A lovely day, a day people love to just enjoy. That is exactly what was happening until Jones came along. One of my "Littles", as my dear friend Linda likes to call her children, was attempting to answer the corded telephone that resides next to our cherished and loved Mac computer. In their haste, a glass holding a Sour Apple JONES Soda was deposited on the keyboard of the computer. FOR SHAME!
Rather then rush and quickly try to stave off damage a phone conversation ensued. Then said child attempted to leave said mess for someone else...I am sure later "Not me" or "I don't know" was going to be blamed for the carnage. The man of the house loves that computer almost as much as I do though, and I think he smelled his future visitations to The Drudge Report and his fantasy football website were being threatened. Words were said, stomping happened, we thought things would be ok-- until an attempt was made to
resuscitate type something...anything. The keyboard is dead, the mouse, while she appears to be on life support at the moment. I am afraid at any moment I will need to quickly plan a double funeral.
Monday I visited some of the blogs I could get to without typing anything. Simply using my poor, sick mouse for selfish reasons. I know, I am a deplorable human being. The challenge came when the kids wanted to cook something specific and I needed a recipe to use as the framework. It was not easy, but using my favorites folder and some fancy clicking they got to eat their Norwegian pancakes that they wanted. I felt like a hero for a moment until I remembered to fall out from that little "Jones" problem. Thank goodness the Man of the House remembered we had an ancient keyboard to at least assist until our replacement moves in. Now the waiting begins.
Now what to do with the old one?
Maybe this?
Or this?

Looks like a Chia keyboard to me.
It seems wrong that as I sit here using my Apple computer that the keyboard I am using says Microsoft on the right corner. Thanks Bill, for bailing me out. Damn you deliciously good Sour Apple Jones Soda. I was just commenting how good you would be with a splash of vodka! A marriage made in soda heaven.
I forgive you Jones Soda.