Sunday, May 25, 2008


Elise sporting her new summer haircut! Yippeee-this is way easier to comb in the morning.

Here is Megan's new doo! I like it although I am not sure she does. She instantly had buyers remorse. I hope it grows on her because this will make swimming this summer much easier!

"They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself."
~Andy Warhol

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Megan is 9 years old...

Wow, seems like it was not that long ago that we were sitting in the hospital looking at this tiny little body in amazement. Now she is 9 years old and knows absolutely everything...or at least she thinks she does. For her birthday she had a few little events. Friday she had an overnight with the cousin's at her Grandpa and Grammies house. She enjoyed cheesecake and pizza. Saturday we had dinner with Ava, Oma and Opa at the condo on Mercer Island. Good old Opa cooking and a special cake made by Ava and Oma. Sunday was mothers day so she had to share that one with me. Monday we went out to Chinese dinner and ate way to much and then had more cheesecake to celebrate...

Now it seems like it is ages ago but we certainly want to share our life with all. She is now working on Thank you notes and planning how to spend her cash...seems Disneyland will be seeing some of her "economic rewards".

We are ready to finish this school year and hope for better student/teacher fit next year!

Hugs to all, thanks so much for making Megan feel so darn special! I will post some pictures in the next couple days.

"By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong."

~Charles Wadsworth

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Concert update...

Well Trevor and Elise were successfully entertaining on the evening of their concert. Fun was had by all! They had quite a turn out... standing room only. How fun. Elise started strong but it became apparent towards the end she was starting to fade... Trevor was unusually entertaining. He sang his little heart out! Good job guys! You looked great!

The red haired boy next to Elise is Trevor's good friend Camden. The little girl next to him is Elise's good friend and partner in crime Jaiden.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."
~Helen Keller

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

1st grade concert

Trevor and Elise wanted everyone to know they are performing in their 1st grade concert on May 8th. I do not think they have any solo's but they are excited none the less to stand in front of all and sing their little hearts out. The big issue of controversy is what row they will be standing in. Trevor is a little disappointed that he may be in the front row due to being vertically challenged at this time. We do remind him that he soon will probably be taller then both his sisters...I just hope God does not make a liar out of me. Elise is somewhere in the middle by her estimation. I guess we will just have to wait and see! If you are near by and plan to come it starts at 7pm, we will get there early so let me know and I can save you a seat.

Other then that not much else going on. Rain later today, big surprise huh?

Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life.

~Herbert Henry Asquith (1852 - 1928)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

You are how old???

We had the rare event of having a 100 year birthday party yesterday. Something that certainly will not happen again anytime soon. It was a little different because it was 2 birthdays together that equal 100 years. Michael turned 40 today...cough, cough, man I cannot believe that is true! My step-dad Kenny turned 60 years old on April 29. So it seemed like a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the 100 years combined between them.

Grammy continues to live on with her famous cake. Even my family refers to it as "Great-Grammy Cake" after having the kids refer to it as that forever. Trevor even asked me many questions about what kind of bakery she worked in. I had to break it to him that as far as I know a bakery was not mentioned on her resume...correct me if I am wrong. Although I am very curious if anyone knows the true history of where this cake came from.

Other then that we are just on cruise control trying to finish the school year, answering lotsa questions about how long till we get to go to Disneyland and keeping very busy with Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, swim lessons and life in general.

“Last week the candle factory burned down. Everyone just stood around and sang Happy Birthday.”
Stephen Wright