Thursday, October 15, 2009

She only plays a doctor on tv people

Do you think it is an advertising "intentional" that someone many of us recognize as a Medical Doctor on TV is the voice of a campaign claiming medicinal benefits to eating yogurt?

I spent the entire commercial thinking is that her? it isn't... yes, I think it, they do not think we are that dumb to associate her as the voice of brilliant medical advice.

I cannot even tell you for sure what the brand was, so I guess in that vein the ad was not completely successful.  I can say that it was her, and she says yogurt is good for you though.  Feel free to buy any brand though, cause I am not sure who she works for.

I imagine it has some psychological brain/pocketbook link they are headed after in the 30 something female age group.

Am I overthinking this? Maybe she just needs a little extra cash cause making $200,000 per episode is cutting it a little close to the bottom line? Just maybe?


Meeko Fabulous said...

I wouldn't even want Meredith Grey as my attending! LOL It's just as funny as Jamie Lee Curtis (I think that's her) as the face of Activia! ;)

The Good Cook said...

And how about Commander of the Starship Enterprise, Captain Kirk selling life insurance??

Then there's Marcus Welby - he used to sell Life Insurance too.

And poor emphasema girl - Brenda Vicaro - what was it she was selling?

The Bionic Woman sells the Sleep Number bed now - maybe being bionic causes insomnia...?

As bloggers I wonder what we could sell?

The Good Cook said...

Hey Tamis - Meeko made me a blog button - head on over to my blog and pick it up! It's a thing of beauty!!!

Unknown said...

Don't forget Sally Field pushing Boniva!

Evil Twin's Wife said...

Wow... I hadn't seen that commercial. And that show is HUGE. Seems a little underhanded.

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

Well, she didn't even wait for her series to end, or she got old. She has a big head start over the rest of her actor age group...

What does Betty White push...hmmm?

Pat said...

Hey - she just had a baby. So she's got more expenses, don't cha know.

kanishk said...

And poor emphasema girl - Brenda Vicaro - what was it she was selling? Work From Home

prashant said...

The Bionic Woman sells the Sleep Number bed now - maybe being bionic causes insomnia...?
Work From Home