Lately I have fallen into reading other peoples blogs mainly because only 1 member of our family has undertaken the daunting ask of sharing the little things in their life with a mass group.
I recently came upon a wonderful blog of a young mom with 4 little kids. She blogs about life, motherhood and being a wife in a very positive light. She was just in a horrific small plane crash last month with her husband and another pilot. She sustained burns to 80% of her body and is in a medically induced coma for probably months. Her husband suffered burns over 1/3 of his body. The outcome is not pretty any way you slice it. The part that I am so amazed about is that this entire "blogging" community made up of people that have never even met her have raised over $100,000 to help offset the huge expenses. It shows that even though the internet as a whole is so anonymous people still feel that connect with each other. People are still kind and compassionate. Even in the middle of this media circus of an election and economy and housing problems people can still be compassionate about someone else in their time of need.
You should peak at her blog. It makes me want to be a better person. Be more tolerant and less impatient, more concerned with the needs of others and just plain kind. There is no guarantee when this journey will end. Make the most and leave people with something to smile about when you are gone. It would be such a waste to live, the one life we have, and not enjoy the moments that make it what it was in the end. Today is the only day in my whole life that is today, September 8, 2008. Tomorrow we are all one day older and wiser...this day is nearly done. Did I do all I could to make it good and right? Did I respect and love my kids as much as they love and respect me?
Click the below link to her blog if you are interested. It is genuine,inspiring and heartfelt. It is a happy place like Disneyland! Say a little prayer for this family. Their life's path has so drastically changed in one afternoon. It will be a tough journey. One I cannot imagine. I will go snuggle my little ones and sneak a snooze before the alarm starts hollerin' at us!

I hope this rambling finds you happy and healthy. I am not sure if I even have any intent other then clearing out the jumble in my head.
"Some of the shells that wash up on the beach were once very beautiful. We don't know what kind of journey they had to take to get them in their fragile condition. The same is true for people. Be kind." - Linda Gifford
"One life on this earth is all we get, whether it is enough or not enough, and the obvious conclusion would seem to be that at the very least we are fools if we do not live it as fully and bravely and beautifully as we can."
- Frederick Buechner